Wednesday 31 August 2011

Lighting update

 I went to East Tamaki today and got sample for the blue LED strips.
Mike said he could give us $2-3 for a meter which is originally $15. He wanted to give them for free but he already sponsored to Starship hospital so he couldn't give them for free.
We need 45m of LED strips(correct me if i'm wrong) but he said he only have 25m of blue and it takes at least a week to manufacture it. So I think it's best to have 25m of blue and 20m of white? Or we could even use waterproof ones but he said it'll be more expensive.

Total cost of LED strips will be around $135 and 45m of strip will use 220w of power or 1amp at 220v

I'll take the sample to studio tomorrow and the plastics will arrive tomorrow so we can experiment tomorrow in studio or even on the site.

PS. For staining the Glulam, can people tell me what tone/colour we want?
I heard that we definitely don't want orange or dark colours. 

Tuesday 30 August 2011

The Rope Centre
The D.M. Dtanden Ltd Rope Centre has agreed to kindly provide us with 5mm wire Breaking load 1500 kgs , turnbuckles thimble and rope grips!!!!!! This is what we need to support the weight of those glulam beams. We will need to confirm lengths that we aquire but it is an awesome result :)

Monday 29 August 2011

Update on Sponsorship

Today we made a number of successful phone calls, acquiring the cable ties and plastic sheets we need.

Plastic: York Precision Plastics NZ has agreed to donate us with 250 sheets of clear PVC sheets with dimensions of 1400x1000mm, which will be picked up tomorrow. These will need to be cut to 80mm x 80mm, so if everybody could actively help in locating a cutting company/service that would be great.
I do know a place who has said they can do it, but they are in Drury (VERY far away), so thats probably just a back up plan.
Also, we will have to punch holes in each of the (21000+?) sheets manually, so everybody find those hole punchers!!

Cable ties: Ecco Pacific has kindly offered to sponsor us with cable ties, but right at this moment I have no idea how many we will get. The guy I talked to basically said they'll give us as many as they can, so at the moment I have bought 10,000 cable ties off trademe as a starting pack :D These should be here by Wednesday.
Super Cheap Auto has also offered us packs of 100 cable ties at $2 incl. GST each, which is our back up if Ecco Pacific can't supply as many as we need.
I also have an offer on TradeMe for $1.82 incl. GST per bag of 100, for 100 bags, plus $7 for shipping. (Total $189)

We are still sourcing net, so keep an eye out!

Also we have almost decided the best way to show our groups appreciation is to get printed t-shirts with our sponsors logos and stuff on the back, and that will also be a sort of team uniform.

We are making good progress guys!!

site plan with folly and glulam

Aluminium - update

Northern Sheetmetal can supply us with round aluminium tubes 38mm diameter (3mm thick) for $54 + GST per 5m lengths. Supply and deliver.
I also asked about plastic sheet but have yet to hear back about this.
- Angela

Sunday 28 August 2011

Folly - free wood batons found... Placemakers in Albany.

FYI - this branch has a HUGE collection of these in case anyone else has another use for them (1m long wooden batons 45mm wide x10mm thick). They keep them to give/throw away. These guys seemed much more organised & helpful compared with the other places I went.

I now have about 100m of these in my car ready to deliver...

Saturday 27 August 2011

Fishing Net

How is this for the netting for the event? PLEASE let me know what you think, I can buy some online, or if someone lives near Pt Chevalier they can have a look: 
Action Fishing Ltd
336 Pt Chevalier Road
Pt Chevalier

Tel: +64 9845 5187

 Keep me updated! :)

Event - wind sculptures by Ned Kahn

Ned Kahn does some pretty cool wind installations - he is the one who designed the facade for the 'articulated cloud' (Pitts. Children Hospital everyone has been looking at - the inspiration for our plastic squares).

Yvonne - this is his website which includes the small 'microturbines' I had up yesterday (eg. as an alternative to pinwheels). The website has video links to all his installations (nicely designed website)

Friday 26 August 2011

Cable Ties

Hey guys
Does any one live close to  SuperCheap Auto or anything? They sell 100 black cable ties for $6.48, 100mm x 2.5mm ... second link when google searching!!

Have a look, theres some other dimensions but I think this is pretty good. I'll give them a call and see if we can get them in bulk for even cheaper or something...
And could somebody please give me a figure of how many we actually need? Theres also cheap as cable ties on trade me, $2 for 100 so I want to enquire about that too :)


Thursday 25 August 2011

Potential source for aluminium!!

Exciting news!
May have a good source for aluminium (plus any welding requirements) - I know someone with a business ( that works with custom metal fabrication....I'm getting more details from him but he said shouldn't be a problem, can supply sheet/square/round etc.

I need to get some specs from the structure team.

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Monday 22 August 2011


Rectangular Aluminum can be bent into these shapes above. An alternative to circular tubes.We are waiting for a reply from 3 aluminum companies.We have Nicola's dads workshop to fabricate a mock up in throughout the holidays : )


proposal for glulam

This is a concept drawing of glulam structure, an idea which is inspired by string art.

Proposal for supporting struture of Glulam

Here is the possible supporting structure of the Glulam event.

Sunday 21 August 2011

Link to Video of the Plastic Panels in the wind

Side elevation of the LED Lighting on the Plastic Panels

These are photos of the plastic panels reacting to the LED lighting in the dark.

This is a side elevation of the plastic panels attached to the glulam curves

The single formation of the wishbones...

Folly construction page

...updated with coupler/connection issues

Monday's Crit

Hey i quickly put this a1 together as a summery of our blog.  Rob suggested that i did it for monday.  I know its not particularly beautiful so if everyone hates it i wont bother printing it... let me know :)

Saturday 20 August 2011

Propsal for Glulam

The wishbone structures have been staggered down the slope, in a semi-irregular fashion creating variety in heights and visual elevations. The plan shows the layout and the render is just at indication of the sort of atmosphere...
It is just a concept drawing, so feel free to comment, and develop, and change :)

The rhino file can be accessed here:

Friday 19 August 2011

Thursday 18 August 2011

Sound and Lighting

We are planning to use the laser light strings for the double helix structure.
For aesthetical reasons I think it is better to have lighting cables inside the tube structure than having them on the exterior.
Here is a brief illustration of how it'll work.

We are not using spot lights anymore instead we are having LED lights and Laser lights.
LED to lit up the helix and Laser lights to create light strings between the double helix.
Today, me and Nicola approximately measured the distance of where 4 speakers would be placed.(Orange dots on the left)
We have decided to place the speakers from the top of the first stairs with 7m span. In this way we can reduce the length of the cables as possible and place them evenly along the stairs.

So we will need approx. 25m,18m,11m,4m cables for ambient sound speakers.

Tube Bending Ltd

Yesterday Dylan and I visited Tube Bending Ltd to talk about the double helix and materials.
Dave was really helpful and seemed confident that out idea was achievable.  He said that aluminium was definately the most appropriate material to use beacuse it is so strong and light.  The pipe only need to be and inch and a half diameter and it will still be plenty strong enough.  This is great news because the thiner pipe will be cheaper.  He also had a great idea for how to attach the individual pipes together. 

The actual bending of the pipes is not very expensive so he said that they could bend them for free, only charging labour.  He also said that they can source the pipes for us, only charging the cost price so they make no proffit.  This would be good but we are going to pursue getting full sponsorship of the aluminium from a supplier.

He gave us an example to show everyone on Friday.  We will explain further then.

Nicola and Dylan

Wednesday 17 August 2011

McIntosh Timber Laminates, a successful visit!

Today Erika, Sophie and Yvonne made a trip down to McIntosh Timber Laminates Ltd to ask for some advice about Glulam structures... and left with an incredible offer! It turns out they have premade arched members (7m in length) which they are happy to donate to us! 
We have eight giant arches to work with, definitely able to cut them, split them, and stain them, now we just need to perfect a design :)
Oh and... these arches are worth a total of about $20,000... so we would be crazy not to use them!We will discuss more in the design session about what to do with these, (possibly incorporations with the aluminium pipes? or as a separate structure) but start thinking guys, we can never have too many ideas.

Also, keep looking out for sponsors, mention that McIntosh is being a great sponsor, just to show how important this whole thing is!!
Great progress at the moment, and full steam ahead!

(Check your emails for the drawings of these arches from Erika, and a bit about Nicola and Dylan's visit to the metal benders)

Event Lighting & Form Experiment

-Hazman, Jess, KCV, Lily , Wilson

Event Lighting 1:1 scale

By using 3 LED lights, we were able to light up the whole form.
As the wind blows the form, the fabric will ripple and create an everchanging light effect.
We were trying to replicate the feeling of being underwater, and how the surface of the water (from underwater) distorts images from above.
The lights from above are strong enough to light the whole object and creates a laser effect at the bottom.

Helix + Light Strings

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Photos from Site

We used tree branches from the site to draw out where the Helix form will go

DNA Propaganda

The torsion effect can be complimented with different materials.... eg perspects creates beatiful contrast and light effects. relates to water and wont block the folly owt.

Lighting from beneath the dna structure or from the aluminum piping...
Pipes provide hidden wireing